Everyone has heard this style of speech. Upspeak (sometimes referred to as “uptalk”) is a verbal habit that some find unpleasant to listen to, especially when the speaker is addressing an audience. This style of speaking is marked by a rise in pitch at the end of a sentence as if a declarative sentence is a question.

While this pattern of intonation is standard in Australia or New Zealand cultures, many in America find it annoying to listen to. Some see this manner of speaking as an indicator of the speaker’s lack of confidence and can be interpreted as a sign of conversational weakness. It has been noted that this pattern is more common in women.

If you reduce upspeak, your audience and coworkers will see you as a more confident speaker and increase your credibility as an expert and leader.

#BeUnderstoodSpeechConsultants, #SpeakClearlyLeadConfidently